All Helicopters articles – Page 435

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    Paris unity


    Paris 99 might be remembered for the last-ditch efforts by Europe's aerospace and defence industry to find a clear path towards industrial consolidation in the face of ever-burgeoning US super-companies, but the last Paris air show of the century should also be a reminder of Europe's technological prowess. The four-nation ...

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    Europe's tactical transports look for US success


    European tactical turboprop transport manufacturers are eyeing a potential 45-aircraft US Army Common Airborne Sensor (CAS) programme to give their programmes a major boost. Prominent among the contenders displaying at Paris were CASA with its new C-295 and the CN-235 and a Royal Netherlands Air Force Fokker 60 supporting a ...

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    Creditors reject KAI business plan


    Andrzej Jeziorski/PARIS Creditors of the three South Korean aerospace companies planning to merge into a single operation this year have rejected a second business plan. According to Lim In-Taik, president of Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) - the entity being formed by Samsung Aerospace, Daewoo Heavy Industries and Hyundai ...

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    Successful Delta II launch cheers Boeing


    A Delta II booster lifted Boeing's morale on 10 June, when a successful launch from Cape Canaveral, Florida, placed four Globalstar satellites into orbit. It was the first launch since the Delta III mission failed in May. The Delta II is lined up for four more missions this summer, ...

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    Lockheed Martin speeds up co-operative talks with Airbus


    Lockheed Martin's protracted discussions with Airbus Industrie and its partner companies on co-operation are gathering pace. At Paris, the US company and Aerospatiale Matra announced an agreement to pursue a stake in the new Korean Aerospace Industries and confirmed they are still discussing partnerships on tanker/transport and large military aircraft ...

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    Germany, Russia and Ukraine get ready to sign An-70 co-operation


    A formal partnership agreement between the German, Russian and Ukrainian aerospace companies pushing the Antonov An-70 as a platform for a future European medium transport aircraft is expected to be signed this month. The deal would clear the way for an An-70 sales and marketing joint venture to be ...

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    X-31 to fly again under tri-national MoU


    Germany, Sweden and the USA are planning to launch the second phase of the X-31 experimental aircraft programme which will focus on using vectored thrust to improve take-off and landing performance. The German and US governments have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to start work on the thrust ...

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    Record sales in Paris reflect health of industry


    Mike Martin Readers of the runes might have read much into the weather at this year's show. A colossal electric storm lashed Le Bourget for hours, only to give way to gorgeous sunshine for the rest of the week. Would that the industry had seen a similar shifting ...

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    Boeing explores wideband data transfer service


    Mike Martin A multi-billion-dollar programme to deliver wide bandwidth data to mobiles is being developed by Boeing Information and Communications Systems, the show heard yesterday. While decisions on progressing the project - and what form it may take - will be made later this year, the company is ...

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    MAJORs take first steps for Asian LINK


    Aerospatiale Matra and Lockheed Martin have signed a memorandum of agreement to pursue a joint investment in the new Korean Aircraft Industries (KAI). This is the first step towards possible greater co-operation between the US defence and aerospace giant and Airbus Industrie. The agreement follows the South ...

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    Agusta attack helicopter attracts strong interest


    Paul Derby A flurry of activity surrounds Agusta's A129 attack helicopter as the aircraft is shown at Paris. With the Scorpion configuration already in the running for three of the world's most lucrative helicopter contests, the Italian army's A129s are also set to undergo a major upgrade to ...

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    Boeing promotes 737NG for AEW role


    Up to 10 nations have shown "strong interest" in the planned Boeing 737 airborne early warning and control (AEW&C), says Boeing at the show. The platform is based on the Next-Generation 737-700. The critical sensor aboard the 737 AEW&C is a multi-role electronically scanned array (MESA) radar. The ...

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    Seattle landing


    Messier-Dowty is to open a design office in Seattle. The world's leading landing gear specialist, which has extensive operations in France, Canada and the UK, is pushing to increase its links with Boeing's commercial and military operations. Apart from a small share of 777 work, the Snecma-owned company has failed ...

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    Global fighter


    Encouraged by partner nations keen to export the aircraft, Eurofighter has embarked on worldwide marketing of the Typhoon With the resources of four companies and the backing of four countries behind it, and a competitive specification, the Typhoon has stronger export prospects than any previous collaboratively developed European combat aircraft. ...

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    Heavy duty


    There's only one Antonov An-70 and Flight International's test pilot was the first Westerner to fly Ukraine's four-engined military transportPeter Henley/KIEVThere are several persuasive reasons to fly the Antonov An-70. Little is widely known about it in the West. It is the product of a leading aircraft manufacturer from the ...

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    Shuttle changes


    New cockpits will bring the Shuttle into the space age Tim Furniss/LONDON Milliseconds can make a big difference during a Space Shuttle launch. The faster the crew can react to a problem, the greater possibility of avoiding disaster. That is where "glass cockpits" - cockpits with digital displays - come ...

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    Launch failures prompt Boeing to form review team


    Boeing has formed a mission assurance review team to examine the company's Delta, Sea Launch and Inertial Upper Stage (IUS) programmes following recent launch vehicle failures. A Delta III failed this May as did an IUS, aboard a Titan IVB, in April. The team will examine organisational roles ...

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    Boeing tips Globemaster for important cargo role


    Alan Peaford The US Air Force's C-17 Globemaster III is undoubtedly already a success in the military arena. Having carried out successful missions in the Gulf, Bosnia and Kosovo conflicts, it is already battle-proven. Now its manufacturer, Boeing, is keen to take it to the civil market. ...

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    New partner for Sikorsky in Canadian helicopter bid


    Paul Derby Sikorsky has a new partner in its bid to meet Canada's Maritime Helicopter Project (MHP) requirement - Lockheed Martin Canada. The companies will offer Sikorsky's S-92 Helibus to the Canadian Forces. Revealing the tie-up at the show yesterday, Sikorsky chairman and CEO Gene Buckley said Lockheed ...

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    Spain backs maritime upgrade for Orions


    Mark Hannant The Spanish Ministry of Defence put its weight behind Casa yesterday when it announced its commitment to fund the reinstated programme to upgrade its fleet of Lockheed Martin P-3 Orions with a maritime tactical mission system. Defence secretary Pedro Morenes pledged to fund the $113 million ...