All Helicopters articles – Page 444

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    Training trends


     Graham Warwick/WASHINGTON DCChanges in the military flight simulation industry in recent years have been as much about the way it does business as the technology it uses. Customers are increasingly viewing training as something that is paid for when needed, rather than requiring up-front investment.Whether it is called fee-for-service, "private ...

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    Turkey's $3bn helicopter buy held up by flight test delays


    Ramon Lopez/WASHINGTON DC Delays in completing flight demonstrations have held up a decision on Turkey's $3 billion project to procure 145 attack helicopters. A shortlist of two or three finalists is not expected until early next year. The final contract award is now expected to be concluded in June or ...

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    Eurocopter/Daewoo eye follow-on KLH order


    Eurocopter and partner Daewoo are pushing for a follow-on contract to the order for 12 BO105CBS-5 helicopters to meet the South Korean army's scout helicopter requirement. The Korean Light Helicopter (KLH) programme started in 1990 with a requirement for 100 aircraft, but has been whittled down over the years ...

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    BAe backs Australian EF2000 development push


    Peter La Franchi/CANBERRA British Aerospace has unveiled in Australia plans for the relocation of major software development activities linked to the Eurofighter EF2000 Typhoon as part of the creation of a new Military Aircraft Systems group to be based in Melbourne, Victoria. The company is attempting to sell the ...

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    Teams queue as South Korea rekindles early warning plans


    Paul Lewis/SEOUL South Korea's stalled E-X airborne early warning (AEW) programme is attracting renewed international interest, with Boeing/Northrop Grumman seeking US Government approval to offer the 737/MESA, while Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI) and Raytheon have broadened their teaming agreement to propose the Airbus A310/Elta Phalcon. South Korea has ...

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    Ion cruiser


    Tim Furniss/LONDON NASA's Deep Space 1 (DS1) spacecraft is being propelled to its rendezvous with an asteroid by an ion propulsion system, the first use of such a system in the history of interplanetary exploration. The DS1, which was launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida, on 24 October, is the first ...

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    Marconi tests Diamond Back wing kit on Boeing munitions


    Ramon Lopez/WASHINGTON DC Marconi Electronic Systems' Diamond Back wing kit is to be flight tested on the Boeing Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) and the Boeing Small Smart Bomb (SSB) within the next two years, in a bid to extend the range of a new family of smart bombs. ...

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    Russian air force calls for fresh injection of attack capability


    Alexander Velovich/MOSCOW Russia needs to bolster its ground attack and strike capability by modernising existing designs as well as introducing new air-to-ground weapons and aircraft, according to Russian air force commander in chief Col Gen Anatoly Kornukov. "Efficient aviation support is a key factor for success for the ...

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    Embraer gears up for the massive regionsl jet production boost


    Guy Norris/Palm Springs Embraer plans to deliver more than 470 RJ-135/145s over the next five years as it rushes to boost regional jet production to 12 a month by May 2000. The company, however, is still not convinced that it wants to enter the 70-seater market. The Brazilian manufacturer revealed ...

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    Delta II sends NASA's first New Millennium craft into space


     Tim Furniss/LONDON A Boeing Delta II booster launched NASA's $152 million Deep Space 1 (DS1) technology demonstrator spacecraft from Pad 17 at Cape Canaveral, Florida, on 24 October. The DS1 is flying the first NASA New Millennium "faster, better, cheaper" technology development and demonstration mission. The Spectrum Astro-built DS1 ...

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    US Air Force looks at UK refuelling alternative


    Ramon Lopez/WASHINGTON DC The US Air Force may retrofit a wing-mounted hose-and-drogue aerial refuelling system, made by UK-based Flight Refuelling, on its 24 Lockheed Martin MC-130H Combat Talon II special operations aircraft. The US Department of Defense (DoD) says US special operations aviation forces do not have enough ...

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    Comanche radar decision due soon from US Army


    Ramon Lopez/WASHINGTON DC The US Army will decide within two months whether to pursue alternative fire control radar solutions for the Boeing Sikorsky RAH-66 Comanche armed reconnaissance/attack helicopter, says programme manager Brig Gen Joe Bergantz. It had been assumed that a smaller version of the Northrop Grumman/Lockheed Martin ...

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    New Zealand launches P-3 Sirius


    Peter La Franchi/CANBERRA The New Zealand Ministry of Defence has released an invitation to register (ITR) for the Project Sirius tactical sensor suite upgrade for its six Lockheed P-3K maritime patrol aircraft, aimed at extending the P-3's life by at least 20 years. The ITR is expected to be followed ...

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    Mediterranean stand-off


    Andrzej Jeziorski/ATHENS Early in September, Greece accused neighbouring Turkey of repeatedly violating its national airspace, and the Athens flight information region (FIR),with its military aircraft, in a series of incidents symptomatic of the tension between the two countries. The Greek air force claimed that a total of 26 ...

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    Compromise and change


    Paul Lewis/SEOUL and CHANGWON Two years is not generally considered a long time in the world of aerospace, but for South Korea's industry, it must have seemed like eternal purgatory. Once- bold visions of being a major international aerospace player have been shattered by the cold blast of fiscal reality ...

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    'Pilot's pal' system flies the Apache Longbow


    Boeing has flight tested a talking cockpit management system, called the rotorcraft pilot's associate (RPA), in a modified AH-64 Longbow Apache attack helicopter, part of an $80 million advanced technology demonstration by the firm's Phantom Works. The system, which uses pilot-activated voice commands, includes new special cockpit controls and ...

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    Aiming for the stars


    Tim Furniss/LONDON South Africa's first satellite, the Sunsat, will be launched aboard a Boeing Delta II on 8 January, 1999. The 50kg spacecraft will be placed into a 400-800km polar orbit, and could be a precursor to a fleet providing remote sensing services for natural disaster and environmental monitoring. ...

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    Turkey boosts order for CN-235


     Turkey has ordered an additional nine CASA CN-235MPAs to add to the 52 transport variants which it has already ordered. The order includes six for the Turkish navy and three for the Coast Guard, both of which are both new operators. The aircraft will be used in a maritime ...

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    Bell pitches adapted 609 to US services for V-22 training


    Ramon Lopez/WASHINGTON DC Bell Helicopter Textron is proposing to adapt the Model Bell UV-609 civil tiltrotor to fly combat missions for the US Army, and for use by the US Marine Corps as a trainer intended for V-22 pilots. The company believes that the proposed UV-609 can also ...

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    UCAVs head to sea


    Graham Warwick/WASHINGTON DC Operating aircraft from ships has never been easy, and a whole branch of military aviation has grown up around carrier-based operations. With interest in unmanned combat air vehicles (UCAVs) growing all the time, is was to be expected that the US Navy would have its unique concerns ...