Helicopters – Page 466

  • News

    South Korea may bring forward its AEW plans


    Paul Lewis/SINGAPORE South Korea could advance its planned airborne early warning (AEW) programme by 12 months, in response to criticism of the military's surveillance capability and its failure to detect recent North Korean incursions. According to local industry sources, initial funding for an AEW procurement may ...

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    Lockheed Martin Aeronautical Systems


    L-100 Hercules The L-100-30 is the civil version of the C-130 Hercules military transport. It is certificated under US Federal Aviation Rules Part 25 to carry 97 passengers when appropriately modified or manufactured. The passenger version has structural re-inforcement, windows, additional doors and cabin amenities, plus ...

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    Bell Boeing takes the wraps off the BB609 civil tilt-rotor


    Bell Boeing are aiming for a mid-1999 first flight of the civil tilt-rotor The six- to nine-passenger civil tilt-rotor (CTR) aircraft which Bell Helicopter Textron (BHT) and Boeing Helicopters have agreed to produce jointly is set to have its maiden flight in mid-1999, says the joint-venture company. ...

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    McDonnell Douglas loses JSF contest


    The role MDC and partners Northrop Grumman and British Aerospace will play in JSF in the future is unclear- Stonecipher contemplates loss What next for the USA's former first fighter house Ramon Lopez/WASHINGTON To Harry Stonecipher, president and chief executive of ...

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    E-8 JSTARS price tag soars by $350 million


    The cost of the Northrop Grumman E-8 Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System (JSTARS) project has risen by $350 million because of higher-than-expected modification and refurbishment costs. This is the single largest contributor to a $600 million rise in the cost of US Department of Defense (DoD) acquisition programmes. ...

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    Indonesia is poised to buy GAF Nomads


    Indonesia is to purchase the Australian Defence Force's 20 remaining GAF Nomad utility aircraft. It will also start to take delivery of five de Havilland DHC-5D Buffalo's from the United Arab Emirates. The Australian Army declared the Nomad unsuitable for its requirements when operational restrictions, including the barring ...

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    Business sense


    European nations use Hughes' unit-level training devices The military-aircraft simulation industry worldwide continues to rely on international business as domestic programmes face yet more delays. Graham Warwick/ATLANTA International business continues to be vital to the military-aircraft simulation industry, as domestic programmes face further delays. ...

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    767 AWACS tests


    The first Boeing 767 AWACS (airborne-warning and control system) has performed "as good, or better than expected", during maximum gross take-off weight certification and low-energy refused take-off tests at Edwards AFB, California. Tests are understood to have been performed at, or near, the 171,255kg maximum take-off weight earmarked ...

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    Israel operates 707 in AEW role


    THE ISRAELI AIR FORCE is operating several converted Boeing 707s in the airborne early- warning (AEW) role. The aircraft are fitted with Elta-developed, side-mounted antenna arrays in a configuration similar to those of the Israel Aircraft Industries/Elta Phalcon AEWs offered for export. The converted 707s are now the ...

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    Eurocopter signs training helicopter contract with FBS


    EUROCOPTER has signed a contract with joint-venture company FBS to supply 38 single-turbine AS350 Squirrel helicopters for use by the Defence Helicopter Flying School in the UK. The helicopters will be used to train Army, Royal Navy and Royal Air Force helicopter pilots. The school will have 76 ...

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    Bell Boeing still hopes to increase tilt-rotor V-22 production


    BELL BOEING executives still hope that production rates on the V-22 Osprey military tilt-rotor programme may be increased, despite a US Department of Defense (DoD) rebuttal of their proposal. The DoD has rejected a request to increase the V-22 production rate and switch to multi-year contracting which, the ...

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    Cautious optimism


    Graham Warwick/ATLANTA Business aviation's annual convention in the USA takes place this year in the "Sunshine State" - Florida. This would be appropriate for the outlook of the industry, at least in the home market, were it not for the threatening clouds reflecting concerns about regulation and taxation. ...

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    Boeing agrees on Chinese Chinook


    Boeing and China National Aero Technology Import and Export (CATIC) have reached an outline work-share agreement to co-produce the Boeing 234-100 Chinook helicopter, but are still looking for sufficient orders to launch the programme. The two sides have broadly agreed to split production of the civil heavy-lift ...

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    GEC-Marconi struggles for Il-76 data


    Paul Lewis/ZHUHAI GEC-Marconi is facing difficulty in obtaining the design specifications from Ilyushin needed to modify its Il-76 transport to take the Argus 2000 airborne early-warning (AEW) sys- tem, now being offered to China. There has been some "foot-dragging" on the part of the Russians to ...

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    Smiths expands with Leland acquisition


    Smiths Industries has made its first major aerospace acquisition in years, with a $30 million deal to purchase Leland Electro-systems, a US manufacturer of high-performance electrical generators, which will sit alongside the UK group's growing business in power-management systems. The UK group, which has diversified into medical and ...

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    Bell-Boeing agrees civil tilt-rotor


    Ramon Lopez/PHILADELPHIA Bell Helicopter Textron and Boeing Helicopters, partners on the V-22 military transport, have agreed to agreed to build a nine-passenger civil tilt-rotor (CTR) aircraft aimed at the corporate market. The corporate aircraft, which will be powered by twin Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6 engines would ...

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    Israelis offer Phalcon on AEW 767 to South Korean air force


    Paul Lewis/SEOUL Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI) is offering the South Korean air force its Phalcon phased-array airborne-early-warning (AEW) radar system integrated on a Boeing 767 platform. The Elta system being proposed is based on the multi-sensor L-band Phalcon package already in service with the Chilean ...

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    Korean Air unveils helicopter mock-up for first time


    Korean Air's Aerospace division has publicly unveiled, for the first time, a mock-up of an armed scout-attack variant of its planned Korean Multi-purpose Helicopter (KMH). Sikorsky has provided assistance with conceptual design of the KMH, and some aspects bear a strong resemblance to the US manufacturer's S-70 Black ...

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    Airtech (CASA/ITPN)


    Brunei finally detailed its avionics equipment for its three maritime-patrol CN-235s in October 1996, with the radar competition being won by Texas Instruments. Pakistan is also emerging as a potential customer for a maritime-patrol variant of the aircraft. The CN-235 is being offered to South Korea to meet an air ...

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    Bell Boeing


    V-22 OSPREY Bell Boeing has submitted an unsolicited offer to the US Department of Defense (DoD) proposing to raise the rate of production for the V-22 Osprey. The incentive for the DoD is an estimated $9 billion saving over the project's life. A DoD is response is likely ...