Leonardo Helicopters has handed over the 100th TH-73A Thrasher trainer to the US Navy.

The milestone – celebrated at an event in Philadelphia on 17 September – comes a little over four years since the helicopter was selected by the USN for the training requirement. First delivery took place in August 2021.

TH73-c-Leonardo Helicopters 1

Source: Leonardo Helicopters

US Navy is buying a total of 130 examples of AW119Kx-based trainer

Based on the AW119Kx light-single, the TH-73A features an instrument flight rules-rated cockpit and is built at the airframer’s plant in Philadelphia.

Replacing the service’s Bell 206-based TH-57B/C Sea Rangers as its primary training helicopter, the Thrasher is used to instruct pilots for the USN, US Marine Corps and US Coast Guard.

A total of 130 examples will be acquired; deliveries were scheduled to complete this year.

“The advanced capability of the TH-73 Thrasher is a great training addition for our warfighters,” says Vice Adm Daniel Cheever, commander Naval Air Forces.

“This means our newest naval aviators arrive ready to preserve the peace, respond in crisis, and win in war.”

A single training squadron has so far transitioned to the new type, with a second to follow this autumn and the third and final unit to begin moving across later this year.

More than 200 student pilots have completed the TH-73A syllabus to date.