Hong Kong Airport will open a new terminal extension on 17 December, providing ten additional gates for narrow-bodied aircraft.

The north satellite concourse (NSC) extension is to the north of terminal 1 and was built at a cost of HK$1 billion ($129 million), says Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA).

The NSC is designed to serve over five million passengers a year. Passengers reach it via shuttle buses from terminal 1 or 2.

With the new satellite concourse, less than 10 flights will need to be parked at remote bays every day compared to the current 40 to 50, says HKIA.

HKIA adds that it is studying an expansion project that would provide additional aircraft stands, related apron facilities, and another passenger concourse to handle anticipated traffic demand up to the year 2020.

Source: Air Transport Intelligence news
