Karen Walker/SINGAPORE

International Aero Engines is believed to have secured a $1 billion deal from Latin America with the selection by LanChile, TACA and TAM of V2500-A5 engines to power the long awaited order for up to 200 Airbus A320 family aircraft. Rival CFM International responded by announcing it had won a big deal to power Sabena A319/A320/321s.

LanChile linked with El Salvador's TACA and TAM of Brazil to negotiate the contract for narrowbodies, believed to include 100 orders and up to 100 options. The engine deal comes after a battle with CFMI, offering the CFM56.

LanChile and TACA have confirmed plans to order A320 family aircraft, with deliveries to start this year. Airbus and IAE have yet to confirm the order.

CFMI reveals that Sabena has chosen CFM56-5B equipped with the dual annular combustor for the 34 Airbuses it had ordered. The engine type is also used by Sabena shareholder Swissair.

Source: Flight International