Andrew Doyle/MUNICH

International Aero Engines (IAE) has dropped plans to launch a higher-thrust variant of its V2500 turbofan by the end of this year after failing to develop a satisfactory business case.

It has refocused studies of the proposed "-A7" version of the engine, unveiled at the Paris air show in June, to possibly include a larger fan diameter. A decision on whether to go ahead is not expected until at least the second quarter of next year.

In its initial configuration, the -A7 was to have combined an advanced wide-chord swept fan with a redesigned three-dimensional aerodynamic high pressure compressor, but using the standard V2500 nacelle. Its main aim was to boost the airfield and payload/range performance of the extended range, high gross weight Airbus A321-200 variant.

"That specific configuration does not meet all of the market and business requirements," says Mike Field, IAE senior vice-president sales and customer support. "The market was really not substantial enough to justify the business case," he adds.

Field says the need to ensure that the engine would comfortably meet any future noise and emissions standards was of particular concern, even if they were not implemented for several years.

In broadening its -A7 studies to include the option of a larger fan, IAE is looking at a thrust increase of up to 10% over the 33,000lb (147kN) -A5 version, compared with the previous target of around 6-7%. Field admits that re-fanning the engine would be more expensive but points out the resulting performance gain could stimulate a larger market for the -A7.

"It could be argued that the increment would have to be greater because the -A5 is doing so well," he says. As well as providing a thrust boost for the A321-200, the key targets of the -A7 study are to further improve reliability and reduce operating costs. The availability of higher thrust engines would boost the attractiveness of the A321 to operators in the USA, where Airbus has so far failed to sell a single A321.

Source: Flight International