Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI) is in preliminary talks with Airbus about a landmark deal to become a subcontractor on the A350. It would be the first time the Israeli company has been linked to the European manufacturer, with all its previous commercial aircraft contracts having been with Boeing.


Details of what IAI would manufacture for the A350 are not being revealed, but the company produces major subassemblies for Boeing and is involved in several programmes to convert passenger aircraft into freighters.

IAI has an advanced composites manufacturing capability, and in March won a contract to supply door surrounds and passenger and cargo floor components for the Boeing 787, which rivals the A350.

The Israeli company’s European representative, Dr David Harari, says IAI “wants to become a direct subcontractor to Airbus”. Negotiations between the two are due to begin early next year.

Israeli flag-carrier El Al has always bought Boeing aircraft, with any interest in buying Airbuses meeting strong resistance from the US government.

Airbus, which traditionally allocates subcontract work mainly to its customer nations, has agreed to separate the two issues “in order to establish commercial relations between Airbus and IAI”, says an industry source.


Source: Flight International