The International Federation of Airline Pilots' Associations (IFALPA) has said it opposes helicopters being fitted with video cameras for use as low-cost flight data recorders by filming the cockpit instrument panel.

IFALPA said it is generally in favour of using recorded data to help determine accident causes, but the abuse of cockpit voice recorder information via multimedia distribution - despite international agreement it should remain confidential - has led it to oppose video recording for fear images will find their way on to YouTube.

The Federation explained: "While cockpit video recorders are focused on the instrument panel, identifiable images of flight crew members can be captured by these devices.

"Given that national authorities have been unable to secure voice recordings from misuse, and given the increased interest that video would present, cockpit video would clearly find a way into the public arena.

"Such a release would have a devastating effect - both on safety and on the family members of those involved - [if] exposed to such video following a fatal accident."

Source: Flight International