RAA appoints Siegel - The US Regional Airline Association (RAA) has elected David Siegel, president of Continental Express, vice-chairman of its board. New board members include Chuck Johnson of ERA Aviation, Robert Ferguson of Midway Airlines and Greg Taylor of US Airways Express. Cleveland concourse - Continental Airlines has opened a new concourse at its Cleveland, Ohio, hub. The concourse will provide 12 additional jet gates as well as 24 new turboprop loading positions.

Argentinian open skies - Argentinian and US officials were expected to conclude an open skies agreement by May 20 after meetings in Washington DC on 19-20 May.

New World Airways team - World Airways has named Gil Morgan as president and chief operating officer. Morgan had been regional director and general manager at Delta Air Lines. Hollis Harris, chairman, president and chief executive since April, will continue as chairman and chief executive.

Cleveland concourse - Continental Airlines has opened a new concourse at its Cleveland, Ohio hub. The concourse will provide 12 additional jet gates as well as 24 new turboprop loading positions.

Source: Airline Business