International Launch Services (ILS) has increased its market share of the commercial launch sector after winning contracts from SES Global to launch three satellites in 2005-06, using Atlas and Proton boosters. A Proton will launch the SES Americom AMC 16 in 2005 and an Atlas V, AMC 14 in 2006; while the SES Astra company's Astra 1L will be boosted by another Proton in late 2006. Meanwhile ILS launched the Boeing-built Japanese Superbird 6 communications satellite aboard an Atlas IIAS booster from Cape Canaveral on 15 April Alcatel Space has been appointed prime contractor for the Service of Co-ordinated Operational Emergency & Rescue using the EGNOS service (SCORE) European research and development project by the Galileo Joint Undertaking consortium. The project will run for two years and cost €2 million ($2.4 million). The Swedish National Space Board has awarded the Swedish Space Corporation (SSC) a contract to develop and launch to 300,000ft (95,000m) on a sub-orbital flight a recoverable Mesospheric Aerosol Genesis, Interaction and Composition (MAGIC) instrument. The MAGIC will be launched on a 500kg (1,100 lb), 5.5m (18ft)-tall Orion sounding rocket from Esrange, Kiruna. French space agency CNES, Alcatel Space and EADS Astrium are poised to launch a programme to capitalise on the growing market for orbiting constellations of mirosatellites, with the launch in June of the Demeter satellite to study electromagnetic perturbations created by earthquakes. The craft is based on the new 60cm (2ft) box-like Myriade spacecraft bus, weighing 120kg (260lb). Finmeccanica Group's Alenia Spazio has been awarded an Italian Space Agency (ASI) contract to develop a planetary rover for use on future European space missions. The company is likely to further develop the WALKIE robot it designed several years ago in partnership with the University of Turin.

Source: Flight International
