India's GSat-4 satellite technology demonstrator will be launched next year by the country's three-stage Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV). The 2,180kg (4,800lb) GSat-4 will test the navigation payload for India's Gangan space-based augmentation system, being developed to allow use of the US GPS satellite navigation system for air traffic management.

The GSat-4's primary communications payload consists of a multi-beam Ka-band "bent-pipe" transponder and a navigation payload generating signals at the GPS L1 and L5 frequencies. The satellite will also incorporate experiments to monitor on-board structural dynamics and the spacecraft's thermal control. Other technologies to be tested include a satellite bus management unit, miniaturised dynamically tuned gyros, a lithium-ion battery and electric propulsion.

The GSat-4 will also carry the Israeli Tauvex-II scientific payload, an ultraviolet three-band telescope developed by Tel Aviv University and Israeli company Elop to observe interstellar and galactic objects.

Source: Flight International