Indonesia’s government has stepped up efforts to find an Adam Air Boeing 737-400 that went missing at the beginning of the year.

Reports in Indonesia say hundreds of Indonesian troops as well as six helicopters and a US Navy ship have been added to the search team which already includes thousands of police personnel and soldiers as well as several ships and patrol aircraft.

Jusuf Kalla, the country’s vice president, is also quoted as saying they will keep searching for the aircraft even if takes a month.

Representatives from Boeing, the US Federal Aviation Administration and US National Transportation Safety Board are currently in Indonesia providing assistance and Indonesia’s National Transportation Safety Commission is also on the case.

A day after the 737 went missing the Indonesian authorities reported that the aircraft had been found in rugged jungle on Sulawesi island but these reports later proved to be untrue as were reports that the aircraft sent out a distress signal.

The initial search focused on the land but was later expanded to cover the seas.

One hundred and two people were on board the Adam Air 737-400 that went missing on 1 January while on a scheduled domestic flight from Surabaya in east Java to Manado in the far north of Sulawesi island.

Currently it is the wet season in Southeast Asia and during the flight the aircraft reportedly encountered rain and strong winds.
