Tim Ripley

Indonesian aerospace executives have come out fighting at Asian Aerospace '98, despite the growing economic crisis at home.

With ITPN's prototype N250 turboprop regional aircraft making its debut here in the flying display, the flagship state-run company claims private investment will enable the launch of its new N2130 regional jet airliner, which can be seen in mock-up form in Hall A.

This comes in a week that US President Bill Clinton has twice telephoned Indonesia's President Suharto to reinforce International Monetary Fund calls for cuts in subsidies to companies such as IPTN.

"The N2130 is being funded by a private company, PT DSTP, which holds the intellectual property rights to the design," says Aditya Kusuma, vice president of sales and marketing.


"We are looking for partnerships. PT DSTP was founded to sell shares in the aircraft."

In an upbeat assessment of the position, Kusuma says CN235 turboprop tactical transport production will "-keep going because we have orders to fill."

Rebutting reports of programme hiccups, a company statement says a Republic of Korea air force order for eight CN235 "-is on schedule," and "-ITPN and ROKAF officials are discussing possible variations to the payments schedule to satisfy both in light of currency fluctuations."

The company says its only programme which is affected by recent Indonesian government spending cuts is the N250, but Kusuma says there is a lot of interest in the aircraft which is on target to be certified in 1999.

Kusuma says the company is undergoing a major efficiency drive to streamline its operations and improve productivity.


The company's payroll of 15,700 is to be "downsized" by some 3,500, says Kusuma.

Rejecting criticism of the state-funded ITPN, Kusuma says that the company's sales in the last three to five years "-exceeded by more than double the investment by the Indonesian government."

Source: Flight Daily News