Small is beautiful at Indra's stand in Hall 5/F19, where exhibits include more than one model - but don't be fooled by appearances.

Indra is a main supplier for the Eurofighter Typhoon, providing more than 20 information technology (IT) systems. It is one of the founders of the Eurofighter Simulation Systems (ESS) consortium and also supplies avionics systems from armament management to environmental control in the cockpit.

Its stand features mock-ups of products including flight simulators for both the Eurofighter and a surveillance helicopter supplied to the Spanish navy.

As a regular exhibitor at the show, this year it is Indra's flight simulators and automatic maintenance systems which have brought the company to Paris.

It also works in information control systems for electronic warfare and air traffic management - recently fitting out the new air traffic control tower at Madrid airport - and electronic defence equipment.

Source: Flight Daily News