Sir - The Panorama television programme broadcast by the UK's BBC on 12 June covered the international problem of counterfeit or uncertificated aircraft spares and parts.
During the course of the programme , which was instrumental in bringing the activities of a company featured to the attention of the UK Civil Aviation Authority, reference was made to Inflite. We have received a stream of customer queries as a result of Inflite being mentioned in the programme.
The enquiries, which started on the night after it was shown, were from customers concerned that the mention of Inflite in those particular circumstances suggested that Inflite was a recipient of counterfeit or uncertificated spares and parts.
Inflite has considered the transcript of the programme (provided by the BBC) and is corresponding with the BBC on the possible publication of a clarification of the Inflite reference.
Inflite holds and maintains approvals from national authorities, including the European Joint Aviation Authorities 145 and US Federal Aviation Administration foreign repair station status.
Audits were conducted in March, April and May 1995 by the FAA, the CAA and Bermuda Civil Aviation. If you add to this Inflite's own internal audits, the company's commitment to quality is apparent.
General manager
Inflite Engineering Services
Stansted Airport, Essex, UK
Source: Flight International