Cobra UK (stand 5C17) is debuting what it claims is the world's lightest economy aircraft seat. The company says the breakthrough will cut average per-aircraft carbon emissions by up to 1,500t and fuel costs by £850,000 ($135,000).

The design uses the company's patented technology, which chemically metalizes a range of high strength polymers to provide a 15% weight reduction compared with current-generation seats.

Cobra is hoping to build on initial interest from the airlines by sealing its first order at the show.

"Using principals honed in the automotive sector, our engineering team has adopted a total-cost solution to reducing the weight of aircraft seats and believe we have come up with the world's lightest option for Boeing 737," says Cobra managing director Gary Seale.

"The technology we have created basically provides a metal finish for coating strong polymers, ensuring a lighter option (21kg for a trio of seats) that doesn't compromise strength and durability."

Source: Flight Daily News