TriaGnoSys has launched GSMConneX, an end-to-end solution providing GSM services for airline passengers. Comprising hardware and software elements for both the aircraft and ground segments, the aircraft hardware is contained in two lightweight units, which are on display at the German company's stand.
GSMConneX enables passengers to use their mobile phones to make and receive calls, send and receive text messages and emails, and browse the Internet. It uses compression and optimisation techniques to make efficient use of available bandwidth, minimising satellite link costs
"Our systems have been used to provide inflight connectivity on commercial airlines for many years, says Axel Jahn, managing director of TriaGnoSys. "Now, for the first time, we are designing and producing the whole solution, including both the hardware and software.
"The key advantage is that TriaGnoSys is the turnkey supplier of the whole system, meaning we are the single point of contact during the design and production process. We can therefore provide optimised, efficient and cost-effective solutions," he adds.
Source: Flight Daily News