Paul Duffy/MOSCOW
The First Iranian-built version of the Antonov An-140 regional turboprop has begun flight-testing from the Iranian Aviation factory near Isfahan.
The aircraft, designated the "Iran-140", is being produced under licence at Iranian Aviation's Shakim Shakir factory. It has been assembled from a kit produced by the KhAPO plant in Kharkov, Ukraine, where series production of the aircraft is already under way.
The first Iran-140 flew on 7 February, and was the first of two kits delivered to the Iranian factory early last year. A further 12 are due for completion by 2004.
Iranian specialists completed the work, under the instruction and supervision of Antonov designers and engineers. The aircraft was ready last September, but production audit standards and ground testing needed to be completed.
Assembly of the second aircraft will also be closely monitored by Antonov and the Iranian CAO-FS (Civil Aviation Organisation-Flight Standards) before a full Iranian production line will be approved.
Iran and Ukraine signed a licensed production contract in 1993 which covers the completion of 80 examples for Iranian civil needs, although Antonov will now consider "further proposals".
Director of the CAO-FS Capt Khalili says that Iran has a healthy aviation industry and this is the first commercial aircraft to be produced in the country. Iran is building co-operation with the Aviaregister of the Interstate Aviation Committee, or MAK, the CIS certification regulator. The country was recently audited by the International Civil Aviation Organisation and passed the examination.
Khalili sees a market for "around 40 large commercial airliners in the country in the short to medium term future and for a larger number of regional airliners".
Source: Flight International