There are always a lot of interesting facts bandied around at airshows, but here are 10 things you probably didn¹t know about the Boeing 767 family.1. The air flowing through a 767-400ER engine at takeoff power could inflate the Goodyear Blimp in seven seconds.2. It takes about 227 litres (60 gallons) of fuel per passenger to get from New York to London on the 767-400ER. The same volume of petrol in an economy car would only get half that distance.3. There are 3.1 million parts in a 767, provided by more than 800 international suppliers.4. The 767 is capable of cruising at 13,000m (43,000 ft).5. It takes only 28 minutes to fill the tank of the 767 - that¹s 90,916 litres of fuel (24,020 gallons).6. The noise level of a 767 taking off from a 3,000m runway is about the same as an average street corner traffic noise.7. Since entering service in September 1982, the 767 has flown more than 7.5 million flights and carried more than 2 billion passengers.8. The 767 is the first widebody jetliner to be stretched twice. The 767-300 is 21 feet longer than the original 767-200, and the 767-400 is also 21 feet longer than the 767-300.9. If the 767¹s GE engines on show here at Farnborough were to be attached to a typical car at takeoff power the car would accelerate from zero to 60mph (96.5kph) in less than half a second.10. There are 145km (90 miles) of electrical wiring in a 767-200ER, 188km (117miles) in a 767-300ER and 201km (125miles) in a 767-400ER.
Source: Flight Daily News