A new network-centric system will allow commanders of the Israeli defence forces to see the "big picture" based on very advanced sensor fusion. Unmanned air vehicles will play a major role in supplying the inputs.

Brig Gen Arnon Zuaretz, the defence forces' chief command and control, communications, computers and intelligence (C4I) officer, says the system will shorten the sensor-to-shooter time "dramatically".

The system will allow every command echelon to get data in real time according to the "needed resolution". Zuaretz says the system will combine the existing command and control systems of the air force, navy and ground forces to allow commanders to make decisions based on the broadest database.

"It will allow a great extent of situational awareness of combined units based on a stream of video images and other inputs. It will eliminate the need for talk exchange as all the units will see the same data."

The Israeli air force is already using a direct datalink between its combat helicopters and UAVs. The Tadiran Spectralink allows pilots to see real-time video from the UAV sensor, enabling helicopters to locate, identify and destroy moving targets in urban areas. This and similar systems will integrate into the network-centric infrastructure.

Source: Flight International