The Israeli air force is preparing a fleet replacement programme for the 13 ageing Boeing 707-300s it operates in transport, electronic warfare (EW), electronic intelligence and tanker roles.

The service is planning to gradually replace the 707s with a newer generation Boeing type selected from the 737, 757 or 767 ranges. It is possible that more than one type of aircraft may be procured.

The air force is now completing a request for information (RFI) for an aircraft to meet its requirements. The plan is to replace initially the 707s operated in the transport role, and later the dedicated EW and tanker aircraft

The RFI will include the purchase of new and used aircraft. The acquisition of new aircraft will be undertaken using foreign military sales funds from the USA. Used examples will be purchased through the Israeli defence budget.

Boeing already offers versions of all three models equipped with cargo doors.

The manufacturer was chosen last year to supply an increased gross weight, quick change version of the 737-700 to replace McDonnell Douglas C-9Bs operated in a transport role by US forces.

Source: Flight International