JAPAN AIRLINES (JAL) has ordered a Boeing 767-300 full-flight simulator from Thomson Training & Simulation (TTS). The Level D machine will be delivered to JAL's Haneda Airport, Tokyo, training centre in late 1997, along with a desktop flight-management-system trainer produced by TTS.
The sales, is welcome news for the French simulator manufacturer. JAL was a major customer for Rediffusion Simulation, now part of TTS, until the early 1990s, when it switched to CAE Electronics for Boeing 777 and McDonnell Douglas MD-11 simulators.
JAL has not opted for TTS' Space visual system, however. The 767 simulator will be equipped with a five-channel SP3250 visual, combining an Evans & Sutherland image-generator and TTS wide-angle display.
JAL is TTS' second major Asian customer in recent months: in July the company announced the sale of two full-flight simulators, for the Airbus A330 and Boeing 777, to Thai Airways International.
TTS is also to upgrade a Rediffusion-built Boeing 737-200 simulator sold by Lufthansa to Miami-based Pan Am International Flight Academy. The company will also upgrade a British Airways 737-400 fixed-based simulator to a full-flight machine, with an option for a similar upgrade to a 747-400 fixed-based device. TTS will update the 737 with six-axis motion and an SPX500 visual with 180¡-wide display. The contract is to be completed by mid-1997.
The company has also won a contract to provide Boeing with flight-management-system (FMS) part-task trainers for the 737 range from -300 to -800. The trainers will have actual FMS software running on personal computers.
Daimler-Benz Aerospace has selected TTS' Space Magic image generator for its Future Large Aircraft development simulator.
Source: Flight International