Colorado-based Aviation Technology Group (ATG) plans to continue flight tests of the Javelin prototype next month following installation of back-up gear and flap retraction systems.

During the first series of flights, speeds varied from 135-185 kts within a test altitude block of 10,000-14,000ft. Bank angles have progressively increased to 45 deg, says ATG which adds that handling qualities tests of the aircraft have included longitudinal and lateral stability roll, performance and trim effectiveness.

Other tests also covered the effect of thrust on pitch axis. Side slip tests have also been conducted to verify and expand take off and landing cross-wind limitations. Tests have so far been flown with the gear down pending installation of the back-up deployment system. 
Flight testing is scheduled to continue throughout the rest of the year, with first flight of the FAA conforming aircraft in early 2007. Initial customer deliveries of the Javelin are scheduled for 2008.

Source: Flight Daily News