Swiss services company hopes to overcome bureaucracy to become first non-local fixed-base operator in Russia

Jet Aviation is hoping to establish its first fixed-based operation (FBO) in Moscow by the end of the third quarter, in a move that could see the Swiss business aviation services company become the country's first non-Russian FBO provider. Jet Aviation admits the process has been lengthy and bureaucratic, and is keen to establish a partnership with a local "well-connected" expert who can ease the regulatory and legal processes and build a portfolio of potential customers for the facility.

Markus Inäbnit, Jet Aviation's vice-president of strategic planning, says there are two phases to the plan. The first is to have a Jet Aviation FBO in place by the end of September at one of the four mainly government-controlled Moscow airports. Within two years the company hopes to have developed the facility into a high quality FBO, "bringing it in line with Western standards", says Inäbnit. Jet Aviation plans to offer aircraft handling, management and charter and says the Russian market has huge growth potential. There are a number of regulatory hurdles to clear, he admits, notably the high import duty on foreign manufactured aircraft, and the rule that allows non-Russian registered aircraft to remain in the country for only 10 days.


Source: Flight International