Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI) and Kamov have offered the upgraded Ka-50-2 attack helicopter to the armies of India and China, industry sources say.

Poland may also be offered the Ka-50-2 to replace the Huzar programme that was put on hold after the Polish Government cancelled an agreement with three Israeli companies to provide avionics integration and weapons.

While the Russian/Israeli teaming initially formed for the current Turkish attack helicopter competition, the companies, with Russian arms corporation Rosvoorouzhenie, are offering the Ka-50-2 to other potential customers, including, it is believed, India and China.

IAI's Lahav division and Kamov are offering the upgraded version of the Ka-50, equipped with Israeli avionics and weapon systems. IAI sources decline to name the possible customers, confirming only that the combat helicopter is being offered to "a number of countries". The Ka-50-2 was demonstrated at the Aero India show in Bangalore in December .

Israeli executives say the proposals include full after delivery support by IAI to overcome a reluctance by some potential customers to buy Russian equipment due to concerns over the quality of after-sales support and avionics.

The Ka-50-2 is being offered with an advanced avionics and weapon system. This will include a glass cockpit, a helicopter multi-mission optronic stabilised payload targeting system with forward looking infra-red, TV camera, laser designator/ tracker and integrated helmet system.

The Ka-50-2's advanced electronic warfare suite includes laser and radar warning systems, missile warning system and chaff and flare defences. The Rafael NT-D anti tank missile is offered as the main weapon system.

Source: Flight International