Kelly Space and Vought Aircraft Industries are to submit a joint proposal for NASA's second-generation re-usable space launch vehicle (RLV) as part of the agency's initiative to develop a new vehicle from 2005.

Vought will refine the architecture and systems design for Kelly's piloted horizontal take-off, multiple-stage-to-orbit concept, using a Boeing 747 and tow-launch system.

The spaceplane would be air-dropped at 20,000ft (6,100m) altitude, firing its engine to ascend into orbit. The craft, first proposed in 1993, could carry commercial payloads, passengers and cargo.

NASA has created a programme office to lead efforts to develop the new RLV, which is due to become operational in 2010. The programme will aim to start vehicle development in 2005, building on experience from the X-33, X-34 and X-37 technology programmes. As the X-33 may not fly until 2003, the 2005 deadline is considered by observers to be optimistic.

Source: Flight International
