Kentron of South Africa is working on an aircraft laser-designator pod. A test version is already undergoing preliminary flying trials.

The pod, which is fitted with a forward-looking infra-red sensor and laser designator, is designated the KZ2, and draws on company technology initially developed for reconnaissance and target-location unmanned air vehicles.

Company officials say that the pod is intended to provide a low-cost option compared to systems such as the Lockheed Martin LANTIRN, GEC-Marconi thermal-imaging airborne laser-designator and even the Israeli Litening pod, developed by Rafael.

The test pod is believed to use the airframe of the datalink pod of the South African Air Force's H2 stand-off weapon.

The H2, although understood to have been in service for many years, has never previously been shown publicly. It is believed that the H2 is a television-guided weapon.

Source: Flight International