Farnborough Aircraft's (FACL) Kestrel turboprop single made its debut at the Middle East Business Aviation show in Dubai last week as its UK developer enters into late stages of discussion with Abu Dhabi-based Gamco to build the aircraft in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) following certification in 2009.

Gamco was involved in producing some of the composites and sheet metal used in the Kestrel prototype on display. If talks are successful the Abu Dhabi-based company will be tasked with assisting with the prototyping of the new higher-gross-weight version of the Kestrel and eventually build certificated parts for the aircraft.

FACL commercial director Rich­ard Blain says: "We would want to see a build-up of the involvement through the certification process, which will probably happen in the USA and then see more of the work done in the UAE."

FACL is working on a conceptual design for the new standard version which will have a maximum gross weight of 3,630kg (8,000lb), around 795kg heavier than the current aircraft. "The Kestrel's new cabin will be 1.5in [38mm] taller and 1in wider and will boast a bigger area firewall forward," says Blain.

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Farnborough Aircraft is still discussing Kestrel manufacture


Source: Flight International