The first King Air LJ-1 will next year make a celebrity flight around the world. But it won’t just be the aircraft that has celebrity status.
Alex Major, executive director of the King Air Foundation, is fulfilling a promise he made to his friend the late actor Christopher Reeve to raise funds for the Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation… and to do it in style.

Alex Major WW445

“I had the good fortune to own the first of a generation of aircraft that changed the face of business aviation,” Major says. “I planned to restore the aircraft and Chris and I were going to fly it around the world. Then Chris had his accident.”
Now other celebrities such as actor Morgan Freeman will join Major on an epic round-the-world tour. Thirty celebrities will fly 1,600km (1,000 mile) legs to complete the circumnavigation.
“My goal is that will major fundraising stops in big international cities. I aim to raise $100 million for the Christopher Reeve Foundation, the St Jude Children’s Hospital in Tennessee and the charity Progeria.
Major is at EBACE raising awareness of the challenge and signing up companies offering financial support or parts.

Source: Flight Daily News