Dutch regional carrier KLM Cityhopper has signed a new eight-year overhaul and maintenance agreement with Rolls-Royce covering the Tay engines powering its fleet of more than 40 Fokker 70 and 100 aircraft.

Under the long-term deal, valued at more than $100 million, all full and mid-life engine overhauls will be the responsibility of Rolls-Royce. It will carry out the work at its East Kilbride Aero Repair and Overhaul facility in Scotland, together with engineering support from Rolls-Royce Deutschland in Dahlewitz.

CEO of the KLM regional subsidiary, Michel Coumans, says: “We have a long-standing relationship with Rolls-Royce, so we understand the benefits of maintenance services provided by the manufacturer. We get the highest service levels by using the maintenance provider that knows the engine best."

The Fokker 70 and 100 aircraft are powered by Rolls-Royce Tay 620 and Tay 650 engines.

Source: Air Transport Intelligence news

Source: FlightGlobal.com