The AN-1 AeroQuad makes its show debut at Paris. The stand-up, self-stabilising flying machine is the brainchild of a Spanish trio of pilots and aeronautical engineers, who saw the value in an aircraft that is controlled by shimmying the hips!

The VTOL platform carry 200kg of payload 3,000ft and beyond, has five hours maximum endurance between 75-100kt and can be folded up and taken home in a van.
According to inventors Ugaitz Iturbe, Aratz Arregi and Jose Joaquim Villa, learning to fly the AeroQuad takes less than half an hour – unless you are piloting it across a minefield, one of its suggested applications, “which may take a little longer”. The aircraft has attracted interest from military and civil organisations worldwide and is due for EASA certification early next year.

Source: Flight Daily News