Liberty Aerospace (C706) is celebrating the historic first delivery of an Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) certified XL2 piston single with a fully certified aircraft on indoor display at the show.


"The first IFR delivery marks a significant milestone for Liberty Aerospace," says president and chief executive Tony Tiarks. "We know of no other aircraft manufacturer that has achieved initial certification for a new two seat aircraft in the United States to the latest Part 23 IFR standards, let alone actually deliver a production aircraft.
“We are extremely proud of the entire Liberty team and their accomplishments."
The Liberty XL2 has been designed to meet the growing demand for a new generation aircraft. It is the only production aircraft powered by a piston engine equipped with a full authority digital engine control (FADEC) which simplifies power management and provides greatly increased levels of safety, reliability and maintainability.
The XL2 features a carbon fibre composite fuselage, a wide 48in (1.2m) cabin and cruise speeds of up to 132kt (240km/h), burning only 5 gal (23 litres) of fuel per hour. The XL2 is modular in design to greatly reduce the cost of routine maintenance and repairs, and allows shipping worldwide in a standard 20ft container.
Tiarks says the Dubai show draws in a huge potential market for Liberty in aviation flight training. “With the cost of operating the XL2 approaching 40% less than most competitors’ aircraft, we are seeing significant interest from training institutions world wide.”

Source: Flight Daily News