LOCKHEED MARTIN is taking on Northrop Grumman in a fight to provide an advanced active infra-red countermeasures (IRCM) system for the British Army and the Royal Air Force.

The US defence aerospace giant unveiled a teaming agreement between Pilkington and its Sanders subsidiary company to bid for the IRCM requirements for British Army Westland McDonnell Douglas AH-64 attack helicopters. Northrop Grumman is offering its Nemesis IRCM system for the AH-64.

Sanders will offer its Advanced Threat Infrared Countermeasures (ATIRCM). ATIRCM and Nemesis are turreted countermeasures systems intended to defeat short-range infra-red guided missiles.

The ATIRCM has been selected by the US Army for its AH-64D and the Sikorsky MH-60. John Kreick, Lockheed Sanders president, says that MH-60 integration will be completed first. Northrop Grumman and Lockheed Sanders are offering systems for rotary and fixed-wing applications.

Source: Flight International