SPACE SYSTEMS/LORAL has been selected to build two additional satellites for PanAmSat. The PanAmSats (PAS) 7 and 8 will be launched into geostationary-transfer orbit en route to positions in geostationary orbit over the Indian and Pacific oceans by an Ariane and an ILS International Launch Services Proton in 1997-8.

The PAS 7 will be equipped with 14 C-band and 30 Ku-band transponders and the PAS 8 with 24 of each, operating on 3.7kW. The craft will follow the PAS 6, which is also being built by Loral. This will carry 36 Ku-band transponders and, operating at 8kW, will be the most powerful civil-communications satellite yet. It will be launched, by an Ariane 5 in 1997.

Source: Flight International