Lufthansa Technical Training (LTT) early next year is establishing a training centre in Singapore with Singapore’s Temasek Polytechnic and the initiative will allow aerospace electronics and engineering students to more quickly become certified aircraft maintenance engineers.

LTT and Temasek Polytechnic say in joint statement that the LTT training centre will be set up at Temasek Polytechnic in January and will cater to students from Temasek and industry professionals.

Temasek students that are studying aerospace electronics and engineering as part of a diploma programme will be allowed to go to the LTT training centre where they will be trained by LTT’s qualified instructors.

Those that successfully complete the LTT training will be certified as licensed aircraft maintenance engineers “in a shorter time”, they say in the statement, adding that the students will be certified under Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) regulations.

LTT regional director Asia Pacific, Ralph Kaeding, tells ATI that LTT is a recognized by Singapore and Germany the as a Part 147 training organisation whereas Temasek has no Part 147 certification.

Generally speaking, all aircraft engineers need to do theoretical study – for example at a polytechnic – and then practical training before qualifying to be a certified aircraft engineer.

But if you study at a Part 147 organisation it means that when you go to do practical training at a Part 145 organisation it generally takes fewer years before you get the qualification, says in Kaeding.

LTT also plans to train 11 Temasek personnel to be instructors although qualified LTT instructors will be training the first two batches of Temasek students, the two parties add in the statement.

Source: Air Transport Intelligence news
