Pratt & Whitney has purchased Braathens ASA's engine maintenance facility at Stavenger, Norway, giving P&W Engine Services its first presence in Europe.
Portuguese maintenance firm Mesa is to carry out the servicing of UK start-up Global Airlines’ first Airbus A380 following its ferry flight to Beja. The aircraft arrived from Dresden, where it had undergone heavy maintenance, on 17 January. Mesa, which has facilities at Lisbon as well as Beja, says it ...
UK-based start-up Global Airlines’ first Airbus A380 has arrived in the Portuguese city of Beja, having departed Dresden where the aircraft has been undergoing heavy maintenance. The jet has been housed at the EFW facility since early October last year, following initial servicing at Prestwick in Scotland. Formerly delivered to ...
Boeing 757 operators are being strongly advised to ensure flexible hydraulic hoses in the landing-gear are maintained and regularly replaced, after instances of hydraulic failure. The US FAA, in a newly-issued airworthiness bulletin, refers to “multiple events” in which the left-hand hydraulic system has been lost as a result of ...