US carrier AirTran Airways has exercised its first options for additional Boeing 717s, ordering two aircraft for delivery later this year, taking its fleet to 30. AirTran has another 48 717s on option and 52 on firm order. Australian low-fare airline Virgin Blue has leased two Boeing 737-800s and two 737-700s or -800s from CIT Aerospace, for delivery between October and November next year. Virgin Blue, launched in August, has six Boeing 737-400s. Boullion Aviation Services has leased a Boeing 737-400 to CSA Czech Airlines. BMI has exercised a ninth Embraer ERJ-145 option. Its firm order commitments are now 11. The UK carrier also has firm orders for four ERJ-135s and options on five ERJ-145s. BMI has seven ERJ-145s. It will take the eighth in May and the ninth in June.
Source: Flight International