Mooney is projecting sales of 30 aircraft this year, and revenues approaching $15 million, after meeting its first-half target of delivering eight aircraft since production resumed following the company's rescue from bankruptcy protection. Aircraft delivered in the first six months were already in production when Mooney filed for bankruptcy protection last year; the first built from scratch by the new Mooney is scheduled for delivery this month.

The Kerrville, Texas-based company has orders for 13 piston singles in hand, most for delivery this quarter, and believes it will be able to meet its full-year total of 30 thanks to the accelerated depreciation rules included in President Bush's recent tax stimulus package. From next year, Mooney is hoping to sell its full production capacity of 80-100 aircraft annually.

The company is also gearing up to assemble the Spanish CAG Toxo two-seater in Kerrville to meet the emerging light-sport aircraft market (Flight International, 12-18 August).

Source: Flight International