Shenyang Aircraft has joined Chengdu Aircraft and Hafei Aviation Industry as Chinese suppliers in the Boeing 787 programme.
Boeing says it has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Shenyang to supply 787 leading-edge assemblies for the vertical fin. The US manufacturer also confirms it has finalised contracts with Chengdu and Hafei for 787 rudders and wing-to-body fairing panels, respectively. Flight International reported in March the Chengdu rudder contract had been completed and Hafei had bid to supply 787 fairings. Last year Chengdu and Hafei forged MoUs with Boeing to supply 787 components and Flight International reported Shenyang was also bidding to become a 787 supplier.
Shenyang is a supplier on the 737, while Chengdu has been looking for work to offset the end of the 757 programme, for which it was a supplier. Boeing has also forged a new contract with Chengdu to supply 737 forward entry doors and automatic over-wing exit doors.
BHA Aero Composite Parts has signed an MoU with Boeing for interior panels for the 777 control panel, 737 wing-to-body fairing panels and 737 tailcones. BHA is a Chinese joint venture company between Boeing, Hexcel and China Aviation Industries I (AVIC I), the parent of Chengdu and Shenyang. Hafei is part of AVIC II.
Source: Flight International