Air India Engineering Services and Singapore Airlines' maintenance division have tentatively agreed a partnership.

SIA Engineering says the two sides have signed a non-binding memorandum to provide line maintenance and other "ancillary services", including training, at Indian airports.

"Both companies will be able to offer a wider spectrum of services and customised packages to domestic and foreign airlines operating in and out of India," says SIA Engineering.

It adds the partnership will utilise Air India Engineering's infrastructure, and have access to SIA Engineering's "MRO service offerings and maintenance capabilities including… capabilities for new-generation aircraft".

SIA Engineering chief executive Png Kim Chiang states: "This collaboration will allow SIAEC to offer our integrated MRO and technical support solutions to airline customers [in India]."

In the view of Air India Engineering'a chief executive, HR Jagannath, the partnership will "contribute to enhancing our services to existing airline customers and expanding our market exposure to domestic and foreign airlines operating in and out of India." He adds: "This collaboration will complement AIESL's [Air India Engineering's] efforts to become a leading one-stop MRO service provider in India.”

Source: Cirium Dashboard