All Must Read articles – Page 49

  • Airbus BWB

    Airbus turns to hydrogen as energy promise of batteries fades


    Airbus is backing away from battery power in favour of pursuing hydrogen as a primary propulsion source for future aircraft development, over concerns that battery technology will not advance quickly enough to adapt to large airliners. The airframer has unveiled three conceptual designs – two based on conventional turboprop and ...

  • Lufthansa Airbus A380

    Lufthansa to mothball entire A380 and A340-600 fleet


    Lufthansa Group will put all of its Airbus A380s and 10 of its A340-600s into long-term storage, only to be reactivated in the event of an “unexpectedly rapid market recovery”, and will permanently remove the remainder of its A340-600 fleet from service.

  • Yvonne-MAKOLO-c-RwandAir
    Airline Business

    RwandAir chief Makolo on recovery, Qatar and pan-African aims


    The Covid crisis may have created numerous immediate challenges, but RwandAir chief Yvonne Makolo says the carrier has many reasons for optimism about its long-term future

  • Airbus Tfan

    Airbus shows off hydrogen-fuelled concept aircraft for 2035 service entry


    Airbus has unveiled conceptual designs for a potential zero-emission commercial aircraft, which it believes could be developed for service entry in the next 15 years. All three of the preliminary designs – branded as ‘ZEROe’ aircraft – would use hydrogen as the main power source. Source: Airbus ...

  • BA 777 at Las Vegas

    Can passengers evacuate jets in 90sec? US government report urges FAA to find out


    Citing changed passenger demographics and behavior, as well as more seats in aircraft and concerns about carry-on luggage, a US government report urges the Federal Aviation Administration to review whether passengers really can evacuate a packed airliner in the required 90sec.

  • EVA A330-300 Hello Kitty
    Airline Business

    Nowhere beckons for Asia-Pacific airlines


    ‘Flights to Nowhere’ are smart public relations for Asia-Pacific airlines, but that such flights are even under consideration underlines the immense challenges they face. Reports recently emerged that Singapore Airlines (SIA) is considering what local reports refer to as ’Flights to Nowhere,’ whereby passengers board in Singapore, fly around a ...

  • Heather_Wilson_c Jorge Salgado El Paso Inc

    The former US Air Force Secretary leading the push for more women to take flight


    In the first of a new monthly series profiling women who are making a mark on aviation and aerospace, we meet Heather Wilson, pilot, former US Air Force Secretary and one-time member of Congress, who is now heading a government-backed initiative to encourage female participation in the industry

  • NEW dc-10-in-flight-c-FG archive+McDonnell Douglas-resized
    In depth

    How widebodies caused a revolution in aviation


    Air transport entered a new era half a century ago when airframers created a step-change in size and capacity with the first generation of twin-aisles, of which the Boeing 747 was only the first. 9,683 The number of widebody airliners delivered globally, according to Cirium fleets data 1,638 Total ...

  • Max c Boeing

    Top 100 aerospace companies ranked by revenue


    Our latest annual industry league table, based on financial figures from before the coronavirus pandemic struck, reflects Boeing’s existing 737 Max troubles, the impact of mergers and acquisitions, and some signs that growth was flattening ahead of the latest crisis

  • China-airport-sign-c-Shutterstock
    Airline Business

    Wild weekend offers, domestic tourism power China airline recovery


    As countries around the world start to tap on domestic travel as a means of reviving economies battered by the coronavirus pandemic, one major economy has gone full steam ahead with its domestic recovery. In recent months, Chinese carriers have doubled down on domestic air travel efforts, touting discount after ...

  • Airbus delivery line-up Toulouse A330 A350 tails 2019
    Airline Business

    Mainline deliveries could exceed 700 in 2020 and rise next year


    With a little over three months left of 2020, it is remains far from clear what the industry’s mainline jet delivery total will be for the year, amid uncertainty over the pace of the recovery and the availability of finance. Adding to the confusing picture is the likely timing of the Boeing 737 Max’s return and, if it does get a green light in 2020, how many aircraft will be handed over.

  • El Al Abu Dhabi

    Arab-Israeli flight prospects broaden as Oman backs Bahraini diplomatic move


    Oman’s government has welcomed the decision by Bahrain’s leadership to establish full normalisation of diplomatic relations with the state of Israel – potentially allowing a further expansion of Israeli-Arab air services. Bahrain is the second Arab nation within a month to reach such a decision, and the support of Oman ...

  • ATR incident title

    Crew’s late escape from icing preceded serious ATR 72 upset


    Norwegian investigators have disclosed that an ATR 72-600 suffered a serious loss of control, with excessive wing bank, as its crew belatedly attempted to escape from icing conditions during a domestic Bergen-Alesund service. The inquiry into the incident – involving a Jet Time flight for SAS on 14 November 2016 ...

  • VA-IX - cr Vertical Aerospace

    The magic number that makes electric flight viable


    Today’s attempts to fly on battery power rely on the same Lithium-ion technology that powers cells phones and automobiles; it can work, but to really get off the ground aviation will need a new generation of energy storage technology

  • RAM 737-800

    RAM 737 carried out long, high-speed take-off after call-out hitch


    UK investigators have found that a Royal Air Maroc Boeing 737-800 lifted off from London Gatwick at nearly 200kt, and close to the end of the runway, after the crew did not receive automatic speed call-outs during the take-off roll. The crew of the aircraft (CN-RGJ), bound for Casablanca on ...

  • 787 Everette line. Boeing

    Boeing identifies issue with 787 vertical stabiliser shims


    Boeing has identified another manufacturing issue related to the 787s vertical stabliser, the fourth manufacturing problem to come to light in recent weeks. The new issue relates specifically to shims in a section of the 787’s vertical stabiliser, says the airframer. Source: Boeing “In late 2019 we ...

  • BA and Aer Lingus jets

    IAG dials back capacity outlook as recovery falters


    IAG has pulled back its capacity planning for this year and next, after the initial encouraging signs of booking recovery in the air transport crisis started to level off. It is expecting third-quarter capacity to be 78%, rather than 74%, down on last year’s figure, while the fourth quarter will ...

  • EasyJet-Ryanair-c-Shutterstock
    Airline Business

    Winter of disconnect ahead for Europe’s airlines


    There are few crumbs of comfort for European airlines as they look back on a worse-than-expected summer season and forward to what could be a bleak winter.

  • Emirates Airbus A380 take-off

    Proposed A380neo would have offered double-digit fuel reduction: Clark


    Emirates Airline president Tim Clark laments Airbus’s decision to abandon the “A380neo”, believing that the proposed re-egngining would have created an “absolutely brilliant” aircraft offering a double-digit fuel-burn reduction.

  • Lufthansa Airbus A320

    How the traffic collapse has improved European flight efficiency


    Analysis of flight operations in Europe has given an insight into a fringe benefit of the air transport crisis – the improvement in flightpath efficiency in all three spatial dimensions. Eurocontrol has been monitoring the airspace situation in detail since the onset of the crisis, and assessing the effect of ...