Supersonic commercial transport aircraft concepts for 2018 and beyond are the subject of a NASA-funded study to be carried out by Lockheed Martin.

The work will focus on "systems-level experimental validation activities" and is part of the NASA aeronautics research mission directorate fundamental aeronautics programme's supersonics project. Managed by NASA's Glenn Research Center, the supersonics project is to provide proven capabilities that address the efficiency, environmental and performance challenges of supersonic aircraft. The studies also seek to identify potential requirements for future supersonic aircraft, assess the effectiveness of technology today and identify new research opportunities.

The value of the contract, called "Advanced concept studies for Supersonic Commercial Transport Aircraft Entering Service in the 2018-2020 Period", is undisclosed, but NASA has said that only that Lockheed is being considered for the work, which is being paid for out of the $150 million NASA received for aeronautics research from the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act stimulus package.

Source: Flight International