NASA’s Ames Research Center is to undertake studies into subsonic rotary-wing technology in an effort to improve reliability and reduce operating and acquisition costs. It has requested information from US industry for potential research and development work.

The US agency has specified a range of areas for which it requires contractors to develop proposals. Advanced rotor hub and on-blade control system technology is to be fabricated and evaluated for vibration reduction, noise alleviation, carefree manoeuvring and improved stability and flight dynamics. Sensitivity studies that determine the effect of selected drive systems on the direct operating costs and performance of helicopters, tiltrotor and advanced rotorcraft, is another area identified by the US agency.

It is also seeking a testing system for the evaluation of loss-of-lubrication performance of high-speed helical gears, and a contractor to provide NASA with a helicopter or tiltrotor, or other vertical lift vehicle – manned or unmanned – with ground and flightcrew. Bidders have until 17 May to respond.

Source: Flight International