Environmental compliance, plus efficiency of design and operation, are going to be driving forces in the business aviation industry in a way not foreseen at the NBAA convention even a year ago, predicts the General Aviation Manufacturers Association president and chief executive operator Pete Bunce.
The GAMA president, speaking at a Honeywell press conference in Orlando last night, agreed with the Honeywell prediction that future business aircraft buyers are going increasingly to take into account equipment operating cost and efficiency, including in relatively wealthy parts of the world like the oil-rich countries of the Middle East.
Meanwhile, according to Honeywell's business aviation outlook, an increasing amount of the market - by value - will be taken up by larger-cabin types. Asked whether this is a result of the business sector poaching passengers from the airlines, Honeywell replied that it looks more as if businesses, particularly in Europe but also in other regions outside the Americas, are simply becoming more aware of the value of business aviation as a tool in driving regional trade.
Source: Flight Daily News