Cessna says it has completed five Citation X elliptical winglet installations since July and has orders for "at least" 15 more. The company is teamed with Wichita-based Winglet Technology for the installation of the graphite epoxy devices, which Winglet has said will provide 15kt (28km/h) additional cruise speed, 1,200lb (545kg) more payload at hot and high airports and a 150nm (280km) boost in range. The speed boost does not change the twinjet's maximum operating speed of Mach 0.92.

Cessna Citation X with eliptical winglets 
 © Cessna

Priced at $593,000 including installation, the upgrade replaces the existing anti-collision and position light system on the wings with LED versions, along with updated performance manuals. Cessna plans to offer the winglets at all nine of its Cessna service centres using Winglet Technology's supplemental type certificate.

The company revealed here at NBAA that it had also flown earlier this summer the first Citation jet upgraded with an IS&S-designed "AdViz" glass cockpit, an improvement the company says reduces weight while improving reliability and access to navigational aids like XM weather, navigation charts, remote radio tuning and enhanced video.

Source: Flight Daily News