New technologies are opening up the view from inside the Gulfstream G150 - and opening up its throttle.

A Supplemental Type Certificate is expected in the first quarter of 2009 for the Enhanced AutoPower Automatic Throttle System from Safe Flight Instrument Corp. The system includes a dedicated computer, two-mode status displays and a modified throttle to provide continuous thrust management during take-off, climb, cruise, descent, approach, landing and go-around flight modes.

Meanwhile, Gulfstream (Booth 275) is demonstrating its second-generation Enhanced Vision System, the G150, which it expects will receive a supplemental type certificate for the ten-seat aircraft in early 2009.

The Gulfstream EVS II was certified for larger Gulfstreams in late 2007. It generates actual, real-time images of the aircraft’s surroundings using an infrared camera mounted in the nose of the aircraft. EVS II is 22lb lighter, has four times the computational power and features four times the memory of the original EVS, which the FAA certified in 2001.

These technologies and the G150 itself are now open to the Canadian market after Gulfstream received Type Certificate Validation from Transport Canada to allow operators of the G150 to register the aircraft in that country.

Gulfstream G150 cockpit

Source: Flight Daily News