Twenty lucky visitors will be owners of new high performance noise canceling headsets by the end of the show thanks to Flight Display Systems (Booth 1666), which is launching the new product here.

“The new headset, FDNC3000, is a lightweight compact headset capable of filtering out 85% of ambient noises for a relaxed listening experience,” says president David Gray. He says: “They come complete with a traveling case as well as various adapters for plugging into anything from an iPod to a multi-channel HD Video set up. Within the aircraft cabin environment, the acoustic noise canceling technology fades background distractions and engine noise, which makes watching movies or listening to music more relaxing.”

The headsets, which include a built in volume control, is also ideal for all kinds of mobile multimedia applications whether by land, sea or air.
“We’re giving away a headset, worth $140, every hour at the show, making twenty in all,” says Gray.

Flight Display Systems

Source: Flight Daily News