The following are needed for internet protocol (IP)-based communications:
Joint Tactical Radio System replaces 750,000 analogue and digital radios in US military inventory. Hosts at least 32 waveforms, including Link 16 and the IP-based Wideband Networking Waveform. Tactical Targeting Network Technology, a high-speed IP-based waveform optimised for airborne battlespace. Provides transmitting rates of 2Mb/s out to 185km (100nm). Family of Advanced Beyond-Line-of-Sight Terminals (FAB-T), includes Airborne Wideband Terminal and Command Post Terminal Replacement programmes. Provides extremely high frequency voice and data satellite communications terminals. FAB-T variants will provide ground and airborne command posts and other aircraft with connectivity to three satellite systems - Milstar, Advanced Extremely High Frequency and Wideband Gapfiller. Multi-Platform Common Data Link, compatible with data transmission rates up to 274Mb/s. Allows command and control nodes to receive masses of data and distribute to smaller nodes. Ground Multiband Terminal, replaces Air Force Ground Mobile Force terminals with higher-capacity military communications, connects ground forces with the Wideband Gapfiller System, Defense Satellite Communications Systems and commercial satellites.Source: Flight International