Abid to bring back the Braniff name has been launched by Montreal-based Airnomics. Company president Michael Low says his plan differs from two unsuccessful attempts to restart Braniff in that the planned carrier would be based in the original's home town of Dallas, Texas.

Low says the plan is to begin twice daily low fare services from Dallas/Fort Worth to Los Angeles and New York using one or two Boeing 757s on off-season lease from a European charter carrier. Airnomics specialises in arranging off-season leases and has placed aircraft in the USA for airlines such as Aer Lingus, he says.

Operations are due to begin in November, initially using another airline to fly under the Braniff name, but using its own operating certificate and designator. The initial plan is to test the market. "Our risk is six months. If we prove the concept, we can take it from there," he says.

Low, who owns the Braniff name, believes it still has strong recognition in Texas. Previous attempts to relaunch the airline were centred on Kansas City and Orlando, but "Braniff belongs in Dallas".

Source: Flight International